The construction of Risen Energy (Australia)’s 100 megawatts AC Yarranlea Solar Farm is progressing to schedule.
The solar installation is located near Pittsworth, approximately 50km west of Toowoomba on the Darling Downs. The solar farm is approximately 250ha in area, consists of over 360,000 Risen 360/365W Mono 1500VDC solar panels mounted on a single axis tracking system and will generate and deliver clean, renewable electricity to power up to 32,000 homes.
The Yarranlea Solar Farm will connect to the power grid using the existing Ergon Energy infrastructure, located close to the development site. This will allow transmission of power into the Middle Ridge Bulk Supply Substation for ultimate use in the Toowoomba and Darling Downs area.
The bulk earthworks were completed earlier this year by Sedl civil contractors, a local Toowoomba based firm and the substation installation is being progressed by Yurika, the “commercial” arm of Energy Queensland. All civil works, including upgrading of some roads adjoining the site have been undertaken in accordance with Council issued Operational Works Permits.
To ensure the project complies with environmental and planning requirements and minimises potential environmental impacts, a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) has been prepared for the project. This CEMP includes specific requirements to reduce impacts from erosion and sedimentation, dust, traffic , flora and fauna impacts, weeds and other environmental elements.
The Monford Group, a construction firm with sound solar farm experience is the primary construction contractor. Yarranlea Solar Farm is a construction site which adheres to strict occupational health and safety rules. Monfords have recently completed the installation of the mechanical elements of the solar farm. This included the pile driving of the supports for the panel trackers, the assembly of the trackers and the mounting of the Risen Energy solar panels.
“The project is currently in the electrical installation phase. This includes the placing and cabling of the container mounted SMA inverters and routing of cables to connect the inverters to the solar farm substation. Approximately 110 workers are currently on site” said Andrew Owen, Renewable Development Manager, Risen Energy (Australia).

The Yarranlea Solar Farm is utilising local resources where ever possible and we are working with the local community to deliver the project with a minimum of disruption. To date, approximately 65% of the workers have been sourced from the Darling Downs area. Once operational, the solar farm will require 3-5 full time workers to maintain the installation.
Local nursery identity Penny McKinlay is co-ordinating the planting of screening vegetation surrounding the solar farm. Penny has arranged the propagation of 7,000+ seedlings and these will be planted once weather conditions are favourable.
Construction of the Yarranlea Solar Farm is scheduled to be completed in October 2019 and once commissioned will supply green power to homes, businesses and industries in the Toowoomba and Darling Downs area. The completed facility has a projected life of 30 years. At the end of the facility’s useful operating life, all physical infrastructure will be removed, and the land returned to its former agricultural use.
The Yarranlea Solar Farm will contribute to the green footprint of the state in support of the Queensland Government’s Green Policy. As owners of the Yarranlea Solar Farm project, Risen Energy (Australia) is progressing the project from detailed engineering design, through construction, commissioning and ultimately the operation of the solar farm.
“As owners of the Yarranlea Solar Farm project, Risen Energy (Australia) is progressing the project from detailed engineering design, through construction, commissioning and ultimately the operation of the solar farm. We are using our latest PV panel technology to allow it to supply power to the grid. Ultimately, integrated battery storage will be incorporated in the solar farm to provide continuous power during periods of peak demand” said Eric Lee, General Manager Risen Energy (Australia).