Yarranlea Solar Farm is situated on 250ha of sparsely vegetated farmland about 50km west of Toowoomba. The farm has a generation capacity of up to 103MW, enough to power up to 32,000 homes. The project connects to the power grid using the existing Ergon Energy infrastructure, located adjacent to the development site. This will allow transmission of power into Toowoomba via the Middle Ridge Bulk Supply Substation.
The latest PV panel technology and integrated battery storage to allow it to supply power to the grid during periods of peak demand is utilised at Yarranlea Solar Farm. The completed facility will have an operating life of 30 years, with the option for extensions. At the end of the facilities useful operating life, all physical infrastructure will be decommissioned and the land returned to its former agricultural use.
Development Approval
- DOCS-#7222604-v1-Amended Plans Required to be Submitted for Approval 752 Murlaggan Road.PDF - 12/14/16
- DOCS-#7222599-v1-Approved Plans 752 Murlaggan Road.PDF - 12/14/16
- DOCS-#7222605-v1-Approved Document Site Rehabilitation and End Use Plan 752 Murlaggan Road.PDF - 12/14/16
- DOCS-#7222637-v1-Approved Document Land Resource Assessment and Management Pty Ltd 752 Murlaggan Road.PDF - 12/14/16
- DOCS-7330563-v1-Amended Negotiated Decision Notice 752 Murlaggan Road.pdf - 2/28/17
- Appendix A - Development Plans.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix B - Council Code Assessment.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix C - State Code Assessment.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix D - Prelodgement Minutes with Council and State.PDF - 11/17/16
- Appendix E - Traffic Impact Assessment.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix F - Stormwater Management Assessment.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix G - Community Consultation.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix H - Ecological Assessment.pdf - 12/1/16
- Appendix I - Clearing Approval by DEE and DEHP.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix J - Visual Assessment.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix K - Glare Assessment.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix L - Agricultural Land Assessment.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix M - Public Notification Docs.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix N - Geotechnical Assessment.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix O - Electromagnetic Assessment.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix P - Ecological Response to Submissions.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix Q - Ecological Response to further RFI.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix R - Solar Panel Safety.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix S - Rehabilitation Plan.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix T - Lighting Assessment.pdf - 11/17/16
- Appendix V - Environmental Management Plan.pdf - 11/17/16